How to change the sound mode on a samsung soundbar : Solution

ok thanks. There is nothing in that file about the integration. I cant seem to attach it and it’s way too big to post as text :-/

I managed to get this version working last night. I am going to try thierry’s one again this evening as would prefer it to appear as a device.

Great addon!
I have a problem with my soundbar where it doesn’t switch over to TV/ARC/HDMI whenever I turn on the TV. Its stuck on chromecast. This isnt a problem with your addon, its a problem in general. To solve it I have to go into the SmartThings app and manualy switch over to TV/ARC.

I was thinking I could create an automation where I switch the soundbar to HDMI whenever the TV turns on. But in your addon I cant seem to get the source list to include HDMI/TV/ARC. Only wifi and bluetooth shows up.

Do you know if its possible to add the rest of the source options.


Great implementation, Thierry! I installed your custom component on Saturday. It really helps to get rid of a few annoying repeating tasks. However, at this point things seem to break too easily and I need help with it.

This morning I noticed on/off state of Q990B wasn’t updated after Saturday according to Home Assistant. Restarting HA Core helped to fix the status but I don’t understand the reason for the connection loss. In the Smartthings webpage(where Device ID was fetched), the status was correct before restart. I disabled Smartthings(official?) integration if it causes trouble with it even if the API key was different for it.

One of the goals was to automate sound mode switching to standard when I play music. I use Spotify on Android and I choose playback device in Spotify to be the soundbar(wifi). However, the source is empty in the Developer tools but the earlier referred Smartthings webpage shows it as wifi. If I switch the soundbar to wifi in Smarrthings app on Android(without connection to any device), the developer tools shows it as wifi.

I tried to install this addon manually per the instruction, as my HA is on docker. After installation, the addon respond that it can’t be added in UI mode and should be configured in yaml. I added the code below in the configuration.yaml but the same error message is produced. Any idea?

  - platform: smartthings_soundbar
    name: Soundbar
    api_key: "YOUR API KEY"
    device_id: "YOUR DEVICE ID"

There is no addon in this thread. There are at least 2 custom integrations. Which one did you install?

Also did you restart HA after adding the yaml?

What do your logs say?

grep smartthings_soundbar /config/home-assistant.log

Exellent alternative your integration, i want to ask you 2 things.

1st if you can add the ability to change the source for example from an automation. I want to have multiroom on my house and if i press a button i want to change the soundbar from digital to another source for Google TV HDMI and if i turn off the button again go to digital ready for tv. Or something like your switches. So if i want to do that i will on/off the right switch. It will be sooo nice!

2nd If you can give unigue ID in Samsung Soundbar you will be a God on this. If we have unigue ID we’ll have the ability to “pick a media” and at our soundbar on our Voice Assistants and TTS. It will the the best thing!

Hey ijhammo, how did you finally get the integration working? I am struggling with the same issues you had back then.