How to CHANGE wifi connection?

Hi all,

I need to change the SSID and password on my instance of hassio (have set up new IOT network). I’ve changed the config file on my USB stick that I used previously (and kept safe) to set up the wifi, but it’s still connecting to the old one.

How do I force it to forget the old one and use the new one?

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did find how ?

Sorry for not replying sooner. From memory I put the memory card in a Linux virtual machine on my PC and found the file in Hassio that contained the wifi information and changed the contents to suit the new SSID. It did the trick first time.


Thank you :smile:

Ok! Then, what is the path and the name of the file?

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In my case it looks like the file is ‎⁨/hassos-overlay⁩/etc⁩/NetworkManager⁩/system-connections⁩/my-network, changing it doesn’t make much difference though. But I might have other problems with hassio starting.