How to configure KNX Number value (DPT 2.001) within HA?

I’m trying to migrate from OpenHAB to Home Assistant, but I’m having problems to migrate all my KNX items. Let’s start with a number item which is used to set my heating circuit into maintenance mode. The KNX DPT is 2.001 (2 Bit)
It could be a sensor in HA, but then I would miss my state_address where I get the status of my operation. Has someone a workaround for this or is this not possible?


Hi, I’ve the same problem, exposing DPT 2.001 values to KNX bus…have you find a solution for this?

Hi Simone,

I started to develop the function within xknx but when integrating this into home assistant I have no idea how to do this, see this post: Priority Switch for KNX integration

So, no solution yet.
