How to connect the Zigbee Tuya Siren TS0224 to HA

I am setting up an alarm system based on Alarmo. Everything seems to work fine, but I am not able to get my Zigbee siren (Tuya TS0224, Meian brand) working. I have integrated the siren in Zigbee2MQTT where it shows up as expected:

When I select Exposes I get this:

When I fill in the desired values for mode, volume etc. and press Apply the siren starts screaming, so there is communication with the siren. However, I can only select modes “Burglar” and “Stop”, and the volume is always the same level, whatever level I choose. Same for strobe settings, the strobe does not work.That is not a problem for me, but it is not what I expect. In addition, I get an error message, when I fill in the volume level in the lower part of the form.The error message tells this:
I was able to make two scenes in Z2M, one for "burglar"and one for “stop”, but these scenes do not show up in the scenes list in HA.

Further I tried to use services turn-on and turn_off for the siren but that did not work either.

Who can help me get this siren working with Alarmo?

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Hello, this topic is 13 days old, is there nobody with a hint? Or a reaction like “this Meian Tuya alarm is not appropriate for a Home Assistant based alarm system”?

Strange that Z2M recognizes this alarm and that there seems to be nobody with knowledge about this item.

Have you tried raising this issue in the Z2M forum? It may not be unique to HA.

No I did not. I was not aware of a specific Z2M forum

Thank you very much for this hint!

I’ve also same issue.

How can I activate Burglar from Home Assistant ? I can only activate Light :frowning:

Thanks in advance

You best can check Z2M forum. That is the most active forum for Z2M issues. The last time I looked this issue was not solved. I did not want to wait any longer so I ordered a different alarm sirene which seems to work with Z2M, this one:

Zigbee Alarm Sirene 95 db, Zigbee, compatibel met Home Assistant, Deconz en Conbee Zigbee Sirene


Still waiting for delivery.

Same issue. Hope the next siren I ordered will work! (Strangely there were no problems getting this to work in ZHA).

I was able to get this Heiman siren working with Home Assistant. I found an article with a detailed review of this device, and in addition the way to get it working. And funny, the same trick works for the Meian Tuya TS0224 device. Because of the title of this topic I will explain here the trick for the TS0224 device, in a subsequent message.

The trick to get the Meian TS0224 Tuya alarm siren to work with Home Assistant is described here. It seems to be possible to use ZHA integration but I used Zigbee2MQTT.

It is all about using MQTT as message broker to send messages with proper payloads to the proper MQTT topic. The details about the messages can be found in this Zigbee2MQTT page: TuYa TS0224 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT. The messages can be published e.g. with HA services that can be invoked in the Alarmo automations.

It is important to generate the services with the Scripts generator in HA, which offers an easy to use wizard to specify the service. In case you use the Service Intergration, the service will be visible as an entity that can be simpy integrated in the Alarmo automation. The scripts generator can be found in Settings → Automations & Scenes.

My code for the service “switching on the alarm siren” is as follows:
alias: zet meian sirene aan

  • service: mqtt.publish
    qos: “1”
    retain: false
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/Meian Sirene/set
    payload: >-
    {“warning”: {“mode”: “burglar”, “level”: “very_high”, “strobe_level”:
    “high”, “strobe”: “true”, “strobe_duty_cycle”: 10, “duration”: 1800}}
    mode: single
    icon: mdi:alarm-light
    This Yaml code is generated by the Scripts Generator (to be found in Settings → Automations & scenes → Scripts tab).

The code for switching off the siren is in my case:

alias: zet_meian_sirene_uit

  • service: mqtt.publish
    qos: “1”
    retain: false
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/Meian Sirene/set
    payload: “{"warning": {"mode": "stop"}}”
    mode: singlea
    icon: mdi:alarm-light-off

I was very much helped by this article:

Do you mind to format your code correctly to make it better readable/understandable? :+1:t3:

Ok, here is the formatted code for switching on the siren:

  alias: zet_heiman_sirene_aan
  - service: mqtt.publish
      qos: '1'
      retain: false
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Heiman sirene/set
      payload: '{"warning": {"mode": "burglar", "level": "very_high", "strobe_level":
        "high", "strobe": "true", "strobe_duty_cycle": 10, "duration": 1800}}'
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:alarm-light

and here for switching it off:

  alias: zet_heiman_sirene_uit_2
  - service: mqtt.publish
      qos: '1'
      retain: false
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Heiman sirene/set
      payload: '{"warning": {"mode": "stop"}}'
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:alarm-light-off
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To jakas: is your siren the following one from Meian Smart Life Tuya Siren Alarm | Zigbee Smart Siren Alarm | Sensor Siren Zigbee - Tuya - Aliexpress

Sure! That’s the one.

Alternative solution to the automation: I spent some time today trying to add this siren as an MQTT Siren without success because of errors like this:
error: z2m: No converter available for 'state' ("{\"warning\": {\"mode\": \"stop\"}}")

However, what did work for me was adding it to the config as an MQTT switch

    - name: "Tuya Siren"
      unique_id: "tuya_siren"
      command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Tuya Siren 1/set"
      payload_on: "{\"warning\": {\"mode\": \"burglar\"}}"
      payload_off: "{\"warning\": {\"mode\": \"stop\"}}"
      qos: 1
      retain: false

You can then create a “convert type of switch” helper to convert this to siren which makes this available as a Siren in HA.

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Newbie here.
Exactly which file and where did you add this for the Siren to work?

It’s an MQTT switch so code would have to be put in configuration.yaml under


MQTT Switch documentation can be found here