It Works with:
Has anyone tried this with an older APC UPS using serial RS232 to USB? Thanks!
I’ve got mine working with a serial RJ-45 to USB. My Pi immediately recognized it and haven’t had any issues with it. I have several sensors showing me different parameters in my HA
Hi! Could you say, what should be done after installing that add on? I did not buy UPS yet, looking for right choice. How should I connect it to Pi?
All I need from UPS - couple days of working Pi and the most important - I need to know that
Hi! Witch UPS did you use?
The one I have hooked up to my pi is an APC XS 1500
Hey there! I tried this on hassio and got this:
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 3.7.0-4224-g76513cf7a8
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (3.7.0-4224-g76513cf7a8)
USB communication driver 0.33
No matching HID UPS found
Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
I just downloaded addon and put this in config file:
- platform: nut
username: nut
password: nut
- ups.load
- ups.status
My ups is connected via ethernet cable (rj 45) and ethernet adapter to usb port.
Should I change anything in configurations?
Any advices?
Tried another cable, wrote username and password and after few tries it started working. Today I changed wifi settings (reboot and new usb stick) and UPS felt out again. I tried to reload everything a lot of times, tried different cable and still
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 3.8.0-3727-geade014bef
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (3.8.0-3727-geade014bef)
No matching HID UPS found
USB communication driver 0.33
Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
Does this mean, that there is no connection to UPS? Can it be healed in some way?
Still on hassio with colindunn/hassio-addons
I tried this, it locked up my HA during boot. something didnt line up right so I wiped it and tried again, and then tried again with a clean install and nothing else… same thing.
Something with how the docker containers are addressed after a reboot do not like HA v87.1. I do not recommend trying this unless you have a solid backup to restore from.
For anyone stumbling upon this thread. Below is an install script for Ubuntu 18.04. Each time I’ve configured this on a system I wasted time getting it to work because the DEVICE line needed the value “ttyS0” removed. I kept getting “COMMLOST” for the status. Instead of just keeping notes this time around I wrote a script for install since I I’m sure I’ll rebuild again at some point. Hopefully this is useful to others.
I’m using a newer APC 1500 via USB.
#install apc ups utility
sudo apt install -y apcupsd
#backup default files
sudo cp /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.bak
sudo cp /etc/default/apcupsd /etc/default/apcupsd.bak
#replace necessary lines
sudo sed -i s/‘DEVICE /dev/ttyS0’/DEVICE/g /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
sudo sed -i s/ISCONFIGURED=no/ISCONFIGURED=yes/g /etc/default/apcupsd
#restart apcupsd services
sudo /etc/init.d/apcupsd restart
#show ups status output
sleep 5
sudo apcaccess
exit 0
######SCRIPT END####
#in configuration.yaml:
#in Sensor.yaml or under sensor in configuration.yaml
- platform: apcupsd
resources:- bcharge
- linev
- status
- loadpct
- timeleft
Is there a way to do this with HA that doesn’t include using cables? I have multiple rack mount UPS and they all have web cards in them so are fully accessible over my network. I know with another not to be named automation platform I was able to monitor UPS status.
You read the docs? Just specify the host. Literally the first config variable for apcupsd…
I’ve setup my CP1500PFCLCD also. I’m getting 120% for battery charge though. Are you seeing similar?
I’m getting 100%, what’s your config look like? Also, you’re looking at sensor.ups_battery right?
USB between NUC (Ubuntu 18.04) and UPS. Using BCHARGE variable to get sensor.ups_battery for display in entities card on HA 101.3. Here’s the sensor config:
- platform: apcupsd
- bcharge
- loadpct
- status
- timeleft
- mintimel
- model
- outputv
All other variable values accurately reflect the UPS display.
Odd, doing the same thing but I’m getting 100%. EDIT: My hardware is a RS 1500MS.
Probably an oddity of CyberPower UPS.
I have the same UPS. I’ve been using a nut server addon and the nut component.
Other than the battery charge issue, is this working well with HA?
Yes. No errors so far. It’s likely CyberPower batteries have a higher AH rating making them superior to APC batteries.
Thank you very much for sharing the detailed instructions. Worked flawlessly first time!