How to control volume on Windows machine from Home Assistant?

I need to control system volume on Windows computer.

I have tried several things but nothing works.

IOTLink this software is working on windows machine. It sends data to mqtt server and listen to command via mqtt. It works fine, I can reboot windows computer from Home Assistant and I get a lot of metrics about Windows to Home Assistant (cpu, memory, disk, etc). In the docs there is information that is should send info about volume to mqtt and it that it is possible to change volume via mqtt commands, but in my case it does not work. There is no topics about volume in mqtt and publishing data to volume control topics does nothing.

Win10As) this software is also working on windows machine and is working with mqtt server. But I wasn’t able to make it work with my mqtt server. “Test connection” works, but no data appear in mqtt (there is an open issue with this problem at GitHub )

eventghost I haven’t found how to setup this soft to work with mqtt.

Maybe you have a working solution or some recommendations how can I control volume on Windows machine from HA.

Here’s another one you can try.

I have not tested it.


Thank you! I have tried it, and I can control volume using this software.

I’m sending keyboard keys to mqtt and the software “presses” that keys on keyboard.

I’m sending “VOLUME_UP”, “VOLUME_DOWN”, “VOLUME_MUTE” and that changes the volume in Windows.

But the one thing is missing. I want to know in Home Assistant what is the state of the volume in windows.

Have you solved the problem with the state of the volume?

I went through the documentation of the IOTlink as it looks quite more convenient for me to configure. If I am not missing something, there is no volume control but an option to mute volume and set volume in percentage.

    alias: "My Computer - Vol Max"
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "iotlink/workgroup/my-computer/commands/volume/set"
          payload: "100"

So you should probably write the payload in template, which is another challenge for me to deal with. However, I guess this is the way forward in IOTlink. Beside that that app returns nicely dozens of entities from the computer, useful

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Fairly sure this has been silently deprecated - the creator of IotLink doesn’t reply to messages so this is just what I’ve surmised

—> IOT Link - Windows Management using MQTT - #439 by daneboom

I’ve made a script that monitors IOTlink (brilliant but flaky software) and restarts it if it falls over.

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