How to debug Mosquitto MQTT

How do I check this ?

Also, is there anythign else needed in my yaml file?
I read in a few posts the mqtt: is not needed anymore and some posts say ids are needed?
I have:




  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “homeassistant/indoor/temp”
    name: ‘Indoor Temp’
    unit_of_measurement: “C”


What version of the mosquitto addon?

Have you read the docs, including this

Since version 4.1 of the addon, an explicit ACL definition is now required, see these instructions.

I just installed mosquito so it’s the latest, likewise with HA.
I have read that but don’t really understand exactly what needs to be done, all these instructions seem to assume people know everything already, it’s very frustrating for a beginner. I followed many tutorials which don’t mention any of this.

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It’s 3 steps that are literally lined out in an order that makes sense.

Well, there is your issue. Use the OFFICIAL documentation.


The last 3 steps are ok, it’s the 4 steps before that I am not sure about. I am running MQTT open/anonymous with no logins as I was told that wasn’t needed, do I in fact need to define username/password?

Then it says to disable listening port 1883, how do I do that?


Remove the ports from the add-on page network card (set them as blank) to disable them.

What is wrong with these instructions? How can they be better?

It says to remove ports but only lists 1883, so are we only removing one or all of them?

So I am just deleting the port number from the port field on 1883/TCP?

Examples, pictures, The instructions are TOO vanilla… After following the MQTT Docs, I finally have MQTT showing up in Integrations under Discovery. But when I click on it, there is a Question, asking if I want to use the MQTT Add-On, but no place to say YES, there is only the option to SUBMIT. And when I click SUBMIT, I get “Unable to connect to the broker.”
If I click on the MQTT in the list at the bottom of the page, and fill in the required info, I get the same message, “Unable to connect to the broker.”

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I gave up on this and switched to the bundled hive option, was much smoother to get working.