How to delete Energy configuration and start again?

Hi guys, I’m trying to ask you about a problem I’ve been having with Hass for a few days, I haven’t found anything on the net that would solve the problem.
The energy dashboard no longer works, it doesn’t load the page, but above all if I go to the dashboard configuration it gives me an “unknown error” without being able to do anything.
I noticed that as soon as I start hass and go directly to the configuration for a fraction of a second it appears and then always displays the error.
I did the updates and restored the back even a few weeks ago but it does not solve the problem.
I’m very arrbiato because I think I’ve lost all the statistics right now that I’m installing the photovoltaic and I wanted to make comparisons on consumption with active photovoltaics.
Do you have any suggestions?
I’ve been going crazy for a week.
I also deleted the file in storage/energy, but sometimes the configuration page appeared to me but it can’t find the “energy” sensors to activate, despite the fact that in other dashboards it displays them regularly, it’s stratta si shelly em

One picture says a thousand words. Thank you!
After being stuck with Unknwon error for so long, now i can see it again :slight_smile: