How to disable "ok google" while alarm on

Hi, I’ve linked my home assistant with google assistant to be able to control some devices via voice. I’m very happy with that. but, when nobody is at home, I switch the alarm on with the Alarmo Card. Everything is OK. But after thinking about the home security, I realize that anyone outside could say “OK google” and ask to open the covers or the disable the alarm. ( I have not tried to disable it via voice ). How can I disable the ability to control everything via “Ok Google” when the alarm is ON ?

Hi @tortellini, I’m not sure if this works but have a look at this topic: Can I write an automation to reload/restart an integration?
It describes reloading, probably you can use it too to enable/disable…

Isn’t that protected with PIN number?

no, no pin number to protect at the moment. Maybe it is a solution. but opening the covers doen’t need pin number.

Did you find any solution?

You could disable Wi-Fi access to your router.