I had the same issue with my Zigbee dongle powering down and my smart buttons not working until I woke it up via the UI. I followed the rabbit trail of how to disable usb autosuspend and landed here:
Here’s what I did.
In terminal on your HassOS system go to following path:
Inside there go into each device folder and run the following command to find the device you are looking for:
cat product
for example my folder labeled “1-1” came back “SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2” and that was what I was looking for.
After you find the correct device stay in that directory and type the following to find
the vendor and product Id’s and make note of them:
cat idProduct
cat idVendor
for example my Product ID was “55d4” and Vendor ID was “1a86”
now following the instructions here
make your usb CONFIG drive.
inside the udev directory you just added, create a file called “usb-power.rules”.
In that file add the following
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="yourIDVendor", ATTR{idProduct}=="yourIDProduct", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="on"
replacing the values yourIDVendor and yourIDProduct with the values you noted earlier.
Plug the USB drive into your HassOS box and reboot.
You can confirm if it worked by typing the following while inside the following directory
cat control
It should return “on” if it worked correctly.
I do not fully understand everything that’s going on here so do at your own risk. I’m not sure if the [ TEST==“power/control” ] key in the above is necessary or can be omitted, I left it in because of that.
I can’t help you troubleshoot if it doesn’t work. Sorry, I’m just a hobbyist, not a guru.