How to display the value of a sensor on a lcd display

All the hardware is working: wemos D1R2 board(8266), dallas DS18B20, lcd display ((20x,4)
on the dashboard site everything is working fine.
I’m new in the YAML code and at this stage I can only display static text to the display.
I would like to display the value of the dalls temp sensor on my lcd display.
Posting the code that I have :slightly_smiling_face:


Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor


  • pin: GPIO0
    update_interval: 5s

Individual sensors


  • platform: dallas
    id: dallassensor
    address: 0xaf0000067d3d5e28
    name: “ESPtemp”

I2C lcd display

sda: GPIO4
scl: GPIO5

  • platform: lcd_pcf8574
    dimensions: 20x4
    address: 0x27

    lambda: |-
    it.print(0,0, “Prototype”);

Please post your code properly. See point 11 here How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question

flash d1 with tasmota-display.bin
Connect lcd with d1,generic,sda slc gpio.
mqtt,ip,… to HA
Sooo the fun part.
Create new automatic scene.

Go to yaml and in topic: In tasmota info tab add your tasmota MQTT Full Topic
type: payload: [z] [y0] add text {{states.sensor.tasmota_ds18b20_2_temperature_2.state}}
[y1] add text {{states.sensor.tasmota_ds18b20_2_temperature_2.state}}

If you have 2 line lcd use y0 y1, for more bigger lcd use y2 y3…
save run!

sorry i have only italian Youtube to watch:

If you use mosquitto_pub, does it work?