How to extend bluetooth range

You activate your virtual Python environment for yourself only. Superuser still has a default Python environment and you start your script as a superuser. Your script checks for bluepy in the default environment, cannot find it and complains. You then check bluepy presence against your virtual environment again.

Thank you for this… unfortunately I am not a great linix user :frowning: but what you said it make sense con concept point of view…

let me get to the details, please… everything should be under SUDO or not?

how woudl you suggest to fix the problem? reinstall python 3 under SUDO?

thank you

I am not a great Linux expert either :slight_smile: Probably the easiest thing for you is to just install bluepy to your system Python. It will be available by default for everyone. This is the easiest if the package does not interfere with other Python scripts you might want to run.

If your pi-zero is intended to be used for ble-mqtt gateway only, then using system Python will definitely be ok.

So just run pip under sudo to install bluepy.


I was reading your posts because i have considerations to put bluetooth thermostats in every room and not sure if the coverage will be good enough…

First i will give a try to a long range bluetooth adapter (e. g. Feasycom FSC-BP119).

But now for another thing I have in mind:
I am using a Samsung tablet (T580) with the HA Companion App on it (far away from my HA Server) as a Dashboard. So i started questioning myself if it’s possbile to use the bluetooth connection of the tablet for extending the range?

You might consider this new feature in HA/ESPHome called “bluetooth proxy”:

It will require that you go down the path of using an ESP32 device, but that’s a fun path to travel.

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Hi Frank,

please remember the language of this forum is english so everybody has a chance to participate and read :point_down:

:zero: Language

We can only support one language here, and that language is English. We appreciate that not everybody can read and write it, but there are a wide range of options out there . We chose this language since it’s known to the moderators and developers, and also one of the most widely known languages.

Regarding the link you are requesting - it probably simply doesn’t exist anymore as the @jwelter told us their used to be a device like this. :put_litter_in_its_place:

Better nowadays is anyway to make use of bluetooth proxies via esp32’s and esphome: :tada:

Beside being probably much better integrated (and available) also external antennas are supported :tokyo_tower:

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