How to get access at damn host system?

I don’t believe HassOS has either of those installed. HAOS is not intended as a general use platform, and only has just enough installed to properly run the HA ecosystem.

Taking a quick look through the HAOS github repo, I see it has busybox which includes things like cat, tail, whoami, chmod etc, and bash is included, but I don’t see anything for npm or apt.

It uses apk. Apk add curl. It has a limited Repository but it’s there

The SSH 22222 Configurator works well, BTW. Just put your key in the UI, hit start, and reboot


You only need ssh access for this task.

What on earth makes you think apt-get would be installed on a non debian(like) system?

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The answer to your question is: login with root and type an empty password. This gets you to the HA prompt.

From there, simply type login and hit enter. This will kick you straight to the host shell.

Crazy this isn’t documented.


Yes, if you have a monitor and keyboard connected to the machine. Otherwise, nah.

I had the same annoyance, but found something way easier.

The “SSH & Web Terminal” addon provides a pretty shell with access to Docker. You can then use Docker to get full host access like this:

docker run --privileged --pid=host -it alpine:latest \
nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh

Needless to say, but you’ll be able to completely destroy your installation this way. So keep Protection Mode enabled! :slight_smile:



This is probably the most helpful post in this whole community, something that the HA maintainers should have started with! Architecture, then installation alternatives (and WHY), then how to access each component if you decide to run the abomination that is HASS. Or is it HaOS? Running docker on RPi is such an overkill!

Could agree. But then it must be you maintaining the HA variant for the RPi! No? Wouldn’t do that, either :smiley: But then we need to understand that there are many other possible environments for running HA as well. My Synology NAS could do, my Linux server could do, my Windows machine could do and so on. Not to mention different flavours of Windows/Linux/… All samesame, but different. They all use the same HA. So HA simply needs to be something suiting all needs. And the docker approach is one of those possible solutions.

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Really damn the day i have installed HomeAsistant OS. Or at least devs should provide some info.
Searched through the whole devs site but couldnt find an option to get and alias for an IP.
nmcli con mod
Returns “No such method ‘Update2’” which can not be resilved without understnding the whole thing

Have you tried setting up an alias by ifconfig?

Yes but. Seems it has no effect

Well what is the command you used and the output?

Ok something strange here. Running

ifconfig eth0:0 IP_ALLIAS WEB_MASK up

gave me an error

ifconfig: SIOCSIFADDR: invalid argument

But now it pings. How do i keep it persistent? The classical way through the /etc/network/interfaces?

Good question! I don’t have haos running anywhere at present to try it.

Hi Jason, I made it with your instructions - thanks

I mean the simple answer here is this isn’t supported in HAOS. Everything you can configure about HAOS has been exposed in the Home Assistant UI and/or in the cli. If there’s no way to do what you’re trying to do in either of those places then its not supported.

So you should start with adding a feature request explaining what you are trying to that you cannot and why someone would want to do that.

Guys… this “login” command is not even in logon banner:


I was also struggling to find this command.


Man… chill a little bit. What is your actual question?