Did you try to execute it manually?
If I remember correctly this will not work. The delta time configured must be reached so that it is triggered.
Hi @oOoHoCo. I’m trying your method and am also not seeing the first automation trigger. I’ve just tried it for the first time in the last 30 minutes, so it’s early days, but one thing I’m wondering is if there is any issue with overlapping events - which is what I have on my calendar right now. Have you had it work with overlapping events?
@Nettuno69 were you able to get the first automation to work? Any tips?
Just in case anyone is still looking for a solution:
This is now explained in the docs at Calendar - Home Assistant
Use a service call with service: calendar.list_events
The response of this call can then be used in the automation - this is new in 2023.7
Thank you very much for this @sevorl . It requires a service call (several, if you have several calendars) so you cannot use it as a state machine but this is much, much better than what we had now.
If anyone finds this old thread, this is how I was able to combine two calendars everything after the service call
school1_events: >-
combined_summaries: "{{ school1_events | join(' ') }}"
then you can use a contains match to search inside that string and set an input_select
action: input_select.select_option
option: |
{% if 'Closed' in combined_summaries %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}