I have a bunch of aqara multisensors around the house for humidity and temperature readings. This morning, the sensor in the office (furthest away from the conbee ii) stopped responding. It’s done that once before, a press on the reset button worked then. It didn’t this time.
I’ve been out and bought an ikea signal repeater. I’ve added it to deconz. Was fairly pain free.
I deleted the sensor and added it back again (named it the same as the old sensor), held it very close to the signal repeater when adding it in the hope that it would connect to the repeater. It didn’t. According to the overview, it connected to the conbee ii instead.
In the hope of not having to do all this again at some point, how do I get it to connect to the repeater instead of the conbee II?
you’re right, I do mean router. IKEA calls them “signal repeaters”, hence my mistake.
so I guess my best bet would be to keep trying to connect via the router and see if the sensor decides to play nice?
So far the sensor is working again after the reconnect, but I’m going to keep the IKEA router anyway. I think extending the zigbee range would be good.
Mine were showing in deCONZ as connected to the Conbee, which is quite a distance away. This was because I initially set them up right next to the Conbee.
I deleted them from Phoscon and set them up again in their proper place. Since then, they should be connected to Xiaomi power plugs, but they do not show what they’re connected to in deCONZ.
I read that Xiaomi powered devices do not report end devices, so this gives me some small comfort that it has worked. I get further comfort from the fact that they used to regularly show as disconnected when connected to the Conbee, and have been consistently connected for over a week since.
From my experience, once the Xiaomi sensors get paired with a device, they don’t change. I had them connected to the Conbee for months with much closer powered devices being ignored.