How to give guest temporary access to HA Home Page for 10-15 minutes?

Hi all,

I would like to give my guest access to my HA Home Page.

Due to some reason, I would like to give them access for only about 10-15 minutes.

Is there any method to implement this?


I don’t believe there are any facilities in Home Assistant (currently) that allow you to control the duration of a user’s session.

Perhaps a brute force way would be to manually delete their account after 15 minutes … :grimacing:

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This may not be possibility but understanding purpose may open other solution.

0.90 has added users. This may lead to ability to create custom page per user. This may work for you.

you may be able to provide access to button. button may control action
Action my operate automation. You may manually turn ON automation. Turned ON automation may auto-OFF after 15min

you may create second HA instance that has access to the needed functions.
You may enable/disable HA page using script. script may be controlled for Main HA instance

0.90 introduced User Groups. Currently, they can only prevent a user from accessing Configuration menus.

User Groups
This has been a long time in the making, and has been worked on for a long time: you can now put users in groups to prevent them from being able to configure things from the UI. Users in the new “users” group will not see links to the configuration panel or to the developer tools. This is currently a UI feature, not a security feature. We’re working on making this a security feature by limiting access at API level too.

However, the goal is to eventually allow control over the UI on a per user basis (but it’s not currently available).

Compact Custom Header

Can Hide/Show views based on various things like User login.
I have my login showing all of the views, my wife’s showing all except the configuration screens and the kids only showing 1.

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this stopped working for me in .90 even though it is there as a settings option (for additional settings), it doesn’t shrink the title

Do you the most recent update of CCH? Works fine for me.

yes, weird

there were a lot of changes to it recently, did you redo your views with the new settings??

Well, there are many guests.

I don’t think it is feasible to delete account one by one.

This method will need to have separate account for guest access?

Yes, make 1 guest account and 1 view that only shows what they need.
If you could explain why only 15 minute access, you might get better ideas.

My use case is just to have many guests access to my HA home page (Same as mine with full access) to control some lights in my living room, but the only different is that their access is temporary for short duration of time (Can be adjusted based on our need).

Is it possible to implement via Refresh Token or etc?

In fact it is not that complicated, but no idea how to implement this.

Well, your requirements are not complicated but achieving them is anything but easy.

Limiting what a user account can access in the UI is achieved by using custom cards (see instructions offered above).

Limiting how long they have access to Home Assistant is not an available feature. There’s no expiration date for a user account and that’s why I suggested the brute-force approach of simply deleting the user account.

Maybe guest wifi with limited time access

Then just dockerize a guest HA instance with LAN only access from guest Network

It may be easier to givetime based access to a guest Network vs time based access to HA

Also possible to rotate password on guest

Not exactly what you were looking for but I have created a addon that can grant a guest access to certain things

Basically you set up service calls that gives the user a button per action and
You can limit the time and make certain things limited so that it is only works once

<< admin view | guest user view >>

Check it out at