My goal is to control a roller shutter with slider in Lovelace.
I spent a huge amount of time reading all the net have to offer , but still not able to.
For the specific, my hardware config is describe at the bottom.
Before integration, the 2.5 are all set from their own SSID; including roller mode, calibration, MQTT, and finally Home SSID with fixed IP.
HA latest version, 5 Shelly 2.5 (firmware 1.9.4, will upgrade), Shelly discovery work with all Shelly but the 2.5 (find them, but could not integrated them (Coap time out issue)), So I change and went for Shelly discovery script by Bieniu, I am using Mosquito add-on (work fine with Sonoff/Tasmota devices), MQTT using UPD that solve (HTTP COAP) flooding issue of the 2.5. (this make the firmware update difficult as I have to reset completely the 2.5 back to factory default (press button 5 x times at power on) and set all over again from a phone)
I can see now in dev tool the 2.5 entities, so they are integrated.
Well not really !!!
as per my initial goal, I want to have a slider in a Lovelace card. I found this useful post (Shelly 2 as roller shutter with percentage - #205 by MarcALE) explaining I need to install Slider-entity-row, which was done swiftly with HACS.
So I now I need cover entities for my 2.5 to move forward. And the nightmare start here, as autodiscovery don’t create cover entities for the 2.5
The HA Cover manual page, say all about cover but not how to get/create one !
The template cover page just add to the confusion
Looking at Bieniu python script (in /config/automations.yaml, not in /config/configuration.yaml, I can see some Template things, but don’t understand a anything relating to cover)
Do I need some yaml coding ? (So what the point to have auto discovery if if you have to do some yaml ?)
I feel so close and so far at the same time, spending unreasonable time on that issue with no hair left. I really could do with some help.
Does the fact I got Switches entities block the ability to have cover entities, nothing is clear?
Please a step by step would be welcome to finish those 2.5 rollers shutter installation.
Config: Raspi 4 with SSD, HA latest version, add-on aircast, file editor, mosquito, nodered, samba, terminal &ssh; HACS
A bunch of sonoff with Tasmota, bunch of Shellies 1, 1L, 1PM, 2.5, Dimmer, EM, Googlecast audio and TV, deshumidifier Midea