How to install GPSD to my RPi setup?

I have HA on a RPi4+ on my yacht. I want it to be the GPS for WorldTides and other.
So I plugged a GPS Dongle into it and tried the instructions as per

But I have the same issue mentioned - it errors with
-bash: sudo: command not found

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I documented how I did something similar. I had to use 2 rPI’s, one for HAOS and one for gpsd. Unless you use docker containers in HAOS I don’t believe you can use apt in HAOS. I had 2 rpi’s laying around, so ended up going this route.

If your /etc/os-release tells you that you’re running Alpne Linux the correct command for installing gpsd is: “apk add gpsd”

I have just tested the install process on my home setup on VMware - which dosen’t have a GPS - I’ll check on my Raspberry Pi in our caravan tomorrow.

Installation works also on RPi… I am not sure if there is data coming but that’s next step.

Just FYI, here is an addon to accomplish the same :+1: