How to install iCloud V3 integration in HA@Docker@QNAP

HA is running in a docker container and I try to install iCloud V3 but this integration is not shown when selecting the + button on the HA GUI.

What I‘m doing wrong?

Hi Michael Klengel,

This does not appear to be a core integration, so it may need to be loaded as a custom integration.

I suggest following the instructions found here or asking mor questions there as well.

Thx for the answer. I already had a look on this thread but never asked my question there. Now I did.

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The iCloud3 docs go through the installation process in general. There are no instructions for installing in a docker container. However, the process should be the same as a normal installation. Install using HACS or create the config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then download the icloud3.zIp file from the iCloud3 GitHub repository and unzip it into that directory and restart HA. Then set it up as you normally set up Integrations. This is described in the iCloud3 docs.

I made a custom installation of iCloud3 V3 and the authentication to Apple works (including Apple ID verification code). After restarting iCloud3 the step „Add Device“ fails because it doesn’t find the iCloud3 Device_Tracker Entity IDs. Restarting the whole container doesn’t change anything. Maybe this excerpt of the iCloud3-0.log shows something helpful. The Mobile App is installed on both iPads and one iPhone.

09-24 13:52:42 [start_ic3...:0610] STAGE4   Checking Mobile App Integration > Loaded, Devices-iPhone11-MK, iPadProM2-MK, iPhone13-VH, iPadPro-mk, iPadProA10X-MK
09-24 13:52:42 [start_ic3...:2284] STAGE4   Mobile App Devices > 0 of 0 used by iCloud3
                                                × iPhone11-MK, iphone11_mk_2 (iPhone12,5) >
                                                    ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
                                                × iPadProM2-MK, ipadprom2_mk_2 (iPad14,5) >
                                                    ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
                                                × iPhone13-VH, iphone13_vh_2 (iPhone14,3) >
                                                    ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
                                                × iPadPro-mk, ipadpro_mk_2 (iPad7,3) >
                                                    ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
                                                × iPadProA10X-MK, ipadproa10x_mk (iPad7,3) >
                                                    ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device


  1. Go to the Configure Settings > Update Devices screen and check the FamShr device selection for each of your devices.
  2. Make sure the Tracking Mode is set to Track Device.
  3. Verify you are on v3.0.5.9. There was a bug in earlier versions adding a device when the Mobile App was not set up or had no devices.

Hi Gary,

FamShr: check
Tracking Mode=Track Device: check
V3.0.5.9: check

May be this helps:

@mklengel The snippet from the log doesn’t really show anything helpful. It looks like Log Level is debug. If not, set it to debug on the Configure > Menu Page 2 > Format Parameters screen. Then restart HA and let it run for a minute or two until you get some tracking information or nothing happens. Then zip the icloud3-0.log file and email to [email protected]. It will give me some more info to look at and the startup process results displayed in the Event Log.

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@mklengel All looks ok with the log file. I looked at the screen and your question and iCloud3 Device field on the Add Devices screen is where you assign the device_tracker entity name you want to use. It is not filled in automatically.

From the iCloud3 docs here
New iCloud3 tracked devices are added on this screen.

  1. Assign a iCloud3 Device Name to the device (gary_iphone). This will create the HA device-tracker.[devicename] entity and the HA sensor.[devicename]_[sensorname] entities for this device.
  2. Type the Friendly Name (Gary) and change the Device Type if necessary.

Hi Gary,

I‘m so stupid :slight_smile: It works now.

Thank you for your help