How to know the adc pins and how to address in ESPHOME in a Wemos_d1_mini32

Very hard to find accurate and consistent info on that board, even assuming it is a genuine wemos.

But what makes you think that GPIO22 is the LED?

Because the log file says at start:

[18:42:11][C][status_led:019]: Status LED:
[18:42:11][C][status_led:020]:   Pin: GPIO22

That is because you set it that way!

Dear nickrout,

Not, I dont have any code in the yaml file to configure this status led, at the beginning no code referent to the status led was inside, only after, in order to check I tried to include the tree versions above, but now, no code with status led is and this messages continues in the log file…

And you have recompiled and reflashed without any reference to status_led in your yaml?

Please post your complete yaml file.

The only cct I could find for a version of this board has 2 LEDs, one connected to power and one connected to GPIO2.

Where did you get that?

The link to a github page was in the extra data of some random google page I looked at.

Good finding!

I checked, and as far as I can see, these are caused by having status_led compiled into your esphome project.


Then the LED connected to the power always is on. The only solution is extract the led…

Thanks for all

No, because you can turn one off with gpio2.

No, is not working, with GPIO2 I can activate an deactivate the blue LED, but the red LED continues always ON.

OK I think we were at cross purposes, but are actually in agreement. A careful de-soldering or wire snip should fix the red one.

You can use the blue for status led if you like, or simply turn it completely off.

Could you please post your esp32: board definition?
is this right?

board: wemos_d1_mini32

thanks in advance

In my last version of code I changed the board type to lolin_d32, but I am reading the sensors as binary_sensor instead of an adc now.
But I would try lolin_d32 and see if the 4 ADC’s work ok. I don’t really remember what happened now, but I must have experimented with different esp32’s to find one that worked for the ADC’s.

  #board: wemos_d1_mini32
  board: lolin_d32
    type: arduino

Unfortunately all of the ADC inputs don’t work as ADC’s with ESPhome.
At least they didn’t when I was working on my project, maybe that’s been fixed.

I remember finding a input definition back then that only listed some of the possible pins as ADCs.

What is an “input definition”?

I worked on this beginning of summer, so around 6 months ago, and trusting my memory is iffy.
I thought I found a pin map to show which pics you can use as an ADC.

But reading through this thread again, I now remember you can only use the ADC1 pins because wifi interferes with the ADC2 pins.
There are 6 ADC1 pins that are normally available, but in a mini d1 esp32 there are only 4 ADC1 pins
