which service can i use to know which door sensors are opened at 10pm?
i know trigger will be time. but no idea what service to use in Action.
The service will be whichever notification service you choose.
You can use templating to returned the open windows/doors in the notification message.
There are infinite ways to format the message. If you explain how you want the message to be formatted, someone can help you with a more specific answer.
thank you for the links!
first, i created the Binary Group in Helpers tab. then i editted the yml code to fit my needs and this works:
alias: alert door status
description: ""
- platform: event
event_type: telegram_command
command: /door
- service: telegram_bot.send_message
message: >
{% set ow = expand('binary_sensor.windows') | selectattr('state', 'eq',
'on') | map(attribute='name') | list%} {%- set qty = ow | count -%} {%-
if qty != 0 -%} {{-' the '}}{{-' and '.join((ow|join(', ')).rsplit(', ',
1)) }} {{-' is ' if qty==1 else ' are '}}open. {% else %} all windows
are closed. {% endif %}
mode: single
this is even better cause i can check doors any time i want
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