How to make a input Boolean switch?


@123: When he says “turn on the fan”, Google Assistant sees “Turn on” then tries to match a device or scene to the rest of what was said. In this case “[the] fan”. Then it finds two scenes “Turn on Fan” and “Turn off Fan” and it runs both.

Using keywords in the names of entities isn’t a good idea, I guess :slight_smile:

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I think it understood you all too well and, as per Steve’s explanation, matched all scenes containing the word “fan”.

Anyway, you’ve found a solution you like (the switch) so all’s well that ends well.

I use an IR blaster to control my air conditioner, and had similar problems with managing state. I added an Sonoff S31 smart plug to monitor the energy used by the AC. If the energy draw is more than 3 watts, it is assumed that the AC is operating and the state is set to ON.

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