How to make Eaton wireless (z-wave) companion / accessory switch usable as switch?

I have an Eaton “anywhere switch” / 9575 on the wall by my bed. It’s a battery zwave switch intended to be paired with a zwave device (or more), but I’ve used it with Smart Things for years to activate other scenes.

I moved it to zwave.js last week, and it doesn’t show up as a switch. It shows up as basically nothing; I can just ping it, get the status, show the firmware version etc. Debug logs show it on the network when I push the buttons. But no on/off or dim/bright. Smart Things recognized the on/off button and state. Any idea how I actually get access to the button press events in Home Assistant?

I have the diagnostics here - zwave_js-f8ee3acec2bf8525df166b03006fcad6-Magic Switch-90fef9b80427c6b77a6b0b560f610a2a.json - Google Drive.
And the debug log of what happens when I press the three buttons on it here - Home Assistant 2023-01-19 23_49_27.txt - Google Drive

The docs seem to indicate that it can join a couple of ways, but only one seems to work and it’s the same as what I did with smartthings, so I don’t think I’m joining incorrectly?

The user guide at doesn’t exactly tell me how to fix this. It’s definitely joined as an accessory.

Looks like the Smartthings driver is probably at SmartThingsPublic/cooper-rf9500.groovy at 4f74e46a3931892ab39a8321a6bedf8dd503468e · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub