How to make use of generic 433Mhz sensors?

And that seems to be connecting. But you also need to use them in the mosquitto_sub command which is probably why you were getting the error
Connection Refused: not authorized when running that command.

Is it normal that when nodemcu connect with wifi it shows ā€œOpenMQTTGateway ip adress:ā€

shouldnā€™t it shows a IP address instead of

I didnā€™t change following lines in the sketch:

#else // for arduino + W5100

const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xAB, 0xFE, 0x23, 0x21 }; //W5100 ethernet shield mac adress


The values below are optional if you want to use these parameters uncomment line 158 of OpenMQTTGateway.ino

const byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 99 }; // ip adress

const byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 }; //ip adress

const byte dns[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 }; //ip adress

const byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; //ip adress

should I replace mac address of my nodemcu?
and my wifi router ip address is:

The ip address is obviously not printing correctly, but it doesnā€™t matter. The above shows that MQTT is connecting correctly, and that is all that matters.

If you get your parameters to mosquitto_sub correct, you should be able to see what is being published.

Something likeā€¦
mosquitto_sub -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD -t ā€œhome/#ā€

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@keithh66 and @gpbenton thanks, It was not working because of wrong wiring.

Now its connecting and receiving ir signal but when I press RF remote button nothing happen?

Please guide me I am a noob.

Thanks again

Guys I am very new so be kindā€¦
I am plodding along with Home assistant server, and would like to do some of this ie use 433mhz rf door sensors and pirs that I already own to create an alarm type system.
I was wondering if there is such a thing as an off the shelf version of the receiver rather than building one myself as I havent got to that level yet.

Any ideas would be great I can then try and follow the instructions to add to home assitant.

Kind regards and happy new year

After using 433Mhz sensors (door open/close sensors) for few months, Iā€™m slowly changing them to Xiaomi sensors. Iā€™m getting tired of changing the batteries of around 30 sensors. Even though they can last around 2-3 months, but with that quantity it became too frequent for me. Every weeks, surely some sensors batteries need to be changed.

The battery in Xiaomi sensors seem to last a lot longer. I have a friend who has been using the sensors for few years and he said it can last 1-2 years. Even though it is a bit expensive than the 433Mhz sensors, I believe it is more worth it. Other than longer battery life, it can reports the battery status. No more guessing is it time to change the battery.


The off the shelf version is the sonoff RF bridge, but you need to modify the firmware to make it listen all the time.

Should I keep same topic on both of my nodemcu for check emitter and receiver working condition?

You should put two different gateways name so as to avoid conflict at the mqtt broker level.
And on your home automation you can replace the gateway name by a +.
The + enable to take into account all the gateways



I have been reading 433MHz topics with interest as I am considering either replacing current bulbs with Zigbee-friendly bulbs or just replace the wall switches with RF 433MHz switches. I like the RF 433MHz switches a lot, yes, even considering security issues.

@LLalev and @masterkenobi have reported success and most probably many of you in this topic. However, may anyone please kindly share how you have managed to get receiving and transmitting the 433MHz signal so as to switch ligts on and off? What are your receiver and transmitter? And how have you achieved connecting them?

In my case, my configuration.yaml in a Raspberry Pi 3 there is already an RF 433MHz door sensor configured and working properly. Now itā€™s time to move on to 433MHz switches.

I have done some testing with receiving and sending with a generic receiver/transmitter set such as this

connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO. Out of the Home Assistant environment, of course.

I have run my tests with:

using the commands rpi-rf_send, rpi-rf_receive, as well as with RFSniffer from

Transmitting distance is so limited, as expected. So have ordered 2x stainless steel RF Spring antennas for the receiver (long one, 25 turns) and transmitter (short one, 21 turns) and find out range gain. A much recommended RXB6 superheterodyne receiver module is on the way.

Thank you in advance,

@nickrout :+1: :clap::clap::clap: Iā€™ve noticed in the video the transmitter is connected to +5V. Seems like the best option as specs report:

transmitter Launch distance :20-200 meters (different voltage, different results)

And that is the highgest voltage you can get from the GPIO pins. Real range, to be determined, I suppose.

Iā€™m slowly moving away from 433Mhz sensors to Xiaomi sensors mainly because of battery life. Itā€™s manageable if you just have few 433Mhz sensors. But when you have more than 30, it becomes too tedious to keep on changing batteries almost every week. Furthermore, the xiaomi sensors are quite affordable and more secure.


@masterkenobi Thank you for your remarks indeed. In my case, this is first venture into domotics and so going low-cost so 433MHz is a suitable option. I am having a close look on Xiaomi Aqara sensors as well. After all, the only thing that is more exciting than running tests is getting the expected results :slight_smile: I consider Xiaomi for a mid-long term solution maybe.

Just one doubt, please. From the pdf file, I gather that the more power the transmitter gets, the longer the distance range. Raspberry Pi has a 5V power pin but the transmitter can take up to 12V. So, is there any way via any piece of hardware that can raise those 5V to 12V with the goal in mind to get the furthest range possible? Or maybe a GPIO pin that could be programmed for such effect? Because if such an option exists I am going to test it and post compared results at 5V and 12V for your reference.

Thanks in advance and regards,

sorry. unable to help you on this.

it is possible to use a transformer to make 12V out of the 5V, but you have the risk that your RPI starts getting trouble, because you drain to much power from your adapter.

in that case you can better use a 12V adapter (that can give enough Amp and is stabelized) with a powerdown to 5V for the RPI.

If willing to use an Arduino Mega/Uno or a similar ESP8266 board (Wemos D1 R2) with sketches such as OpenMQTT or RFLink instead of Rpi then you can power the board from 12 V and the Vin pin will get you the same voltage to the 433 mhz emitter

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I am wondering if any one ended up getting input from a weather station at 433. And if there is any documentation I can read up on. I have a cheap China station and would love to get input and send it to mqtt. Any help would be appreciated.