And the sensor is not in Statistics… do I do something wrong?
English please!
Sorry, I posted the wrong information. Figured it out now, and updated my previous post: How to measure Integration of rain pulse counter into daily value - #39 by gdschut
I think there is a mistake in the calculations.
1mm of rainfall, in 4.9mm x 110mm area, is 539 mm3 = 0.539 ml (not 5.39 ml)
Or should be 49mm?
You’re right! I will correct it to 49 mm.
To simplify the process and avoid zeros, we should use Pulse Meter and not Pulse Counter Sensor.
Send the pulses to HA, create a template sensor to multiply by “0.367” and then with Utility Meter choose the desired cycle to measure - quarter-hourly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly…
Yes indeed, letting HA do the counting is the most easy solution. The problem for me is that my connection is not always stable, thats why I prefered counting on the ESP side.
With Pulse Counter I was always getting 6 pulses instead of 1, and if divided by 6, when multiply by, ex.10, the result for each pulse was something like, 9.9987 or 10.001, really strange values (although they have no effect on the final result).
i Am trying this, however I have come up with a multiplier of 10 which seems way to high compared to everyone else.
I also set the unit_of_measurement to ml rather then mm for testing,
Then poured 100ml of water in and it reported 100ml,
Then changed the unit of measurement back to mm.
Is this sufficient? My multiplier is 10.
I connected one wire to GND and another to GPIO12 (D6) ona esp32 but can’t get any results.
Could someone please post ere the complete ESPhome code?
Watch out! The given ESPHome code is for another board, which means you have to adjust the pinnumbers and pins used to get it working on an ESP32 (whichever version you have…)
If you have troubles finding a usable pin you might have a look on a site like
I know that, but I would like to see the complete esphome code so I can adjust to esp32 v3.
Im using GPIO12 but it’s not working.
Could someone please post it here?