How to notify using TTS — and much more

I’m trying to transform this rest_command to a notify :

url: ‘{{ site }}’
method: ‘POST’
content_type: ‘text/plain’
payload: ‘{{ lemessage }}’

The notify i’m trying to debug … but i’m stuck.
Could you help me ?


how can we set volume level for tts in configuration.yaml ?

how can we set volume level for tts in configuration.yaml ?


I use piper as my local tts. Now I want to install a notification which uses piper. That works, but just in English, and without the possibility to determin the voice.

  - name: piper_local
    platform: tts
    entity_id: tts.piper
    media_player: media_player.volumio_mpd
    language: 'de_DE'
      voice: de_DE-thorsten-medium

‘language’ and ‘voice’ are ignored. The relevant page is very short and does not help me any further: Notify using TTS - Home Assistant

Regards, Eckart

This thread was started four years ago - the information in it may be out of date. It might be better to start a new thread, with a link to this one to provide context if necessary.