How to play music scheduled time google home from home assistant

I am thinking if I can have a scheduled playing of a music playlist every day thru google home triggered by Home assistant.

1. Everyday moring at 7 AM i want HA to trigger a playsit from my google play music.
2. Evening Once I reach Home, HA should trigger a playlist from my google play music.

Is this possible? Please help me how I can achieve this

Thanks in advance.

If you can install the custom component of Google Play Music then its very easy. Just a simple automation. You can try it already with some Webradio or TTS and later simply change to your desired playlist.

For example here is what i use to get my Google Home to announce things via TTS:

- service: tts.google_say
            entity_id: media_player.kuche
              message: '...'

Do you have google linked to HA? If so, what component?

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I have set up google Home thru Auto Discovery option of HA


I also have tts configured for google home as below in configuration.yaml

# Text to speech
- platform: google

Ok, so you want to read up and learn how to do an automation.

Start off with automation basics, and look for the time platform trigger:

And in the action section, use the play_media service.

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Thanks for the reply. I dont see Playlist relater service in media player componet, can you help how to get it in?

use this custom component to get Google Play Music including Playlists into Home Assistant