How to receive system notifications as push messages

Maybe it’s me overlooking something obvious, but how would I go about getting system notifications (those that appear on the web UI and also inside the companion app) as push notifications? Since they are available in the app, I would’ve expected a simple checkbox in the settings to get notified about those (maybe even a separate channel in the app’s system settings for notifications).

Or are they available as a service or something in the system upon which I can trigger automations?

this is currently not possible with the app, I believe the system may have an event when a persistent notification is created, more on that integration here: Persistent Notification - Home Assistant

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This is certainly possible with a bit of tinkering. See the solution of @membersound out of this thread.

Create a new automation, go into YAML mode, remove everything and paste this in, change the service to your device and save.

alias: Notification Push Persistant Notifications
description: ""
  - event_data:
      domain: notify
      service: persistent_notification
    event_type: call_service
    platform: event
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app   # Change this to your device
      message: "{{}}"
      title: "P: {{}}"
mode: single
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