How to reduce the radius of the default Home zone

i have this in my configuration.yaml, is this wrong? everything seems to work but the radius. i added radius:50 into the customize.yaml and it worked, thank you!

  - name: Home
    latitude: 49.24749
    longitude: -122.87197
    radius: 10
    icon: mdi:home-account

I end up with two zones named Home.
When i look into the entities i have zone.home and zone.home_2
I restarted HA but that didn’t help.
What am i doing wrong ?

What version of HA are you on? Try to remove the zone_2 and restart. Does it come back?

looks like adding this to the configuration.yaml seems to set the radius of home.

      radius: 20

Annoyingly though i have a zone.home_2 also which i cant get rid of. This was from adding a zone in confuguration.yaml called Home. Does anyone know how to get rid of this zone now, it wont let me from entities or the map edit. (yes i have removed it from configuration.yaml and restarted)

EDIT: looks like my zona.home_2 has gone now. Under developer tools i did clear its states, but expect it sorted itself out.


Working parfect

Not sure why this is so complicated in HA. As I was getting a second entity “home_2” i ended up using the “set_state” HACS as detailed in this post.

I have added it as part of a daily automation so even if I reboot HA, it will change back to “130”

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The customize tag seems to work best of all the different options.

I can’t understand why editing this value is just dismissed as “not possible” though.

It looks like you can go to Developer Tools → States, find your zone.home entity, and then use Set State to adjust the radius attribute


Yes, It’s been mentioned earlier. But does it survive a restart of Home Assistant?

As I wrote above. Add to the customize.yaml file

  radius: 50

Tried the following:

      radius: 20

Restarted Home Assistant and it’s persistent and the radius is now 20 meters (according these settings).

Thank you to the one figuring this out!


Tried this too and it works !
Thank you !

How in the name of everything holy is this not just editable in the GUI already? When you can even edit new zones just fine. Unreal.

Can confirm that ppmg77’s entry solved it, I just edited the configuration.yaml file and put those four lines before the include lines.


Sorry, noob question: Which file did you add this to? configuration.yaml?

Yes, put it into configuration.yaml and restart Home Assistant.

Thanks for this! Added it to my configuration file and it worked perfectly! :smile:

This worked for me as well. Pretty annoying that the Home zone circle doesn’t just have a grab handle in the UI like the rest of the zones, though.

Spoke too soon - this “Set State” workaround didn’t persist over a reboot. I’ll use the configuration.yaml method mentioned earlier.

I solved it bey reading your troubles, and share the solution. Edited customize.yaml and, at the end, added:

  radius: 30

where “Home” is the name i gave my home.

For some reason it doesn’t worked for me. Did you referenced the customize.yaml in your configuration.yaml file? because it just doesn’t do anything on my end… I had to create the customize file. Could be that?