How to remove map and log from sodepanel.?

I would like to know how to remove the map log and history menu from the side panel.
My config.yml is blank and I don’t have the map history or log statement in it to comment it.

Do you have default_config:

Map is included in that. If you don’t want it you will have to remove default config and manually add back the integrations you want. You will also have to keep an eye out for changes to the default config in release notes.

You should probably vote here for an easier way to manage default config. Not that I think it will help, you get default config or manual set up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a feature request get implemented. The category is a bit like the street crossing buttons at traffic lights. They’re there to make the pedestrians feel good but rarely actually do anything.


I dont mind having the map running in home assistant, i just want it not shown in the side-panel. is there any option like not show on side bar like what we get with other add-ons.

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It’s not an add-on.

it’s an integration.

it gets added through the configuration.yaml not thru the add-on store.

I’m not really what the point would be to have it running but not being displayed as an option to look at in the side bar.

i just didn’t want to change any default configuration. but get my ui cleaned. thats why asked for the hide option.

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No, sorry. there is no way to have in configured but not have it displayed as far as I know.

are you aware of how to change the default config file and remove map history and log?

That would cause you more problems than removing default config and running a manual one you want.

Most feature requests with higher score are for new integrations. That one is about a core functionality change. I hope its fate will be better than for those integration feature requests

On that same subject, 80% of the elevator’s close button are not connected in automatic mode. They only work when in manual mode. So most of the time, pressing that close button will have no effect on the elevator door.

Yes, I discovered the back door to adjust the menu items:
Now this only works while logged in.
At the top left where you collapse the menu - you get your mouse from the right of the words “Home Assistant” and drag to the left. Another menu option becomes visible and you can select which ones to delete and add. The ones deleted may be down the scroll.
Core Version
Newest Version


Yeah hiding items from the side menu was introduced ages ago.

“Alrighty then!”

" Now this only works while logged in."

Hi, I’m logged in, but don’t see the “hint” or the content :frowning:
Where is this option to hide the “map” ?

In the sidebar, press and hold the mouse button on the “Home assistant” header for a few moments. When you release, the menu options will “wiggle” and have an X next to them to hide them. Once done, click “Done” at the top. If you want to re-add any options, they have a “+” sign next to them in that same menu.


If you would like to remove them for users and not admins: Admin only access for Logbook and History menus - #43 by Fmstrat

oh lol, thank you so much :smiley:

THIS is a really awesome trick! I use HA since several years, now. But THIS feature is something I was never aware of!

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Because it takes up room on the side panel and makes people have to scroll down to get to the settings, which is 9 billion times more important (and used) than the Map.