How to remove Repository in HACS?

At the moment I don’t know if it’s a bug or if I just don’t know how to do it.
Anyway, I can’t delete a reposority with HACS 1.26.2 (HA 2022.6.7).

  • In HACS I go to the repository to be deleted and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Then I choose “Remove” from the menu - and nothing happens.

The repository cannot be deleted with this.

  • I cleared the browser cache - to no avail.
  • Then I deleted the repository’s folder from the custom_components and restarted HA.

That too without success. Where could the problem be?

I roll back to HACS 1.25.5 and everything seems to work as expected.
Repositories can be installed and removed.

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Delete the HACS directory under custom_components. Restart Home Assistant.

In the meantime I completely reinstalled HACS. This means that I first uninstalled HACS according to these instructions and then installed the current version. Unfortunately the problem still exists. I can’t uninstall repositories.
Does anyone else have this or know the solution?

Ok, I analyzed the problem further. It depends on the HA version used. I am currently using Home Assistant Core 2022.6.7. And herewith there is said problem with HACS 1.26.2. That means HA 2022.6.7 only works well with HACS 1.25.5.
Now you could also say that I should update HA to 2022.7.xx Then HACS 1.26.2 would also work smoothly again.
However, I cannot update HA at the moment because there is another problem with Emulated HUE from 2022.7.xx, which I have described in more detail here.