How to Rename Entity ID - Lovelace UI

Hello guys,

i renamed an entity via the gui lovelace.
After renaming the three devices (red screenshot) i can not rename it anymore.

Where are this changes stored? I have to rename it and it is not possible.
It is not stored in the configuration.yaml,customize.yaml and so on.

Directly in the web interface i do not see any other option.
Can anyone help me?
The three renamed devices does not have the settings button so I can not use it anymore.

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This is what the support says, but I do not have the settings button for the entity’s that I changed.

With the introduction of the entity registry in 0.63, Home Assistant is making sure that the same devices always receive the same entity IDs. This release is taking it a step further by allowing users to change the name of a device from the frontend. Changing the name will be instantly applied and overrides whatever name the device is given by the integration. If you want to switch back to the name from the integration, set the name to blank

Can anyone tell me where i can reset the ID?
Its not possible.

I believe it is stored in the ./config/.storage directory and probably in the core.entity_registry file. The contents are formatted as JSON.

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Yep, as @123 said, in .storage. The files are all hidden, so you need to be able to see hidden files. Here’s how you can remove them from the files

EDIT: That has some extra steps for Zwave but the principle is the same.

Awesome guys.
It was really the file core.entity_registry.
I renamed in this file and now it works again.

What a nightmare :sweat_smile:

Did you also change the entity_id or just the name?

Just the entity Id

then likely the reason you can’t change the name from the GUI any longer is because you put capital letters in the entity_id. If you edit the entity_id back to all lower case then you should be able to edit them normally again.