To start and level-set, I’m not an experienced Python or Jinja coder. I don’t even play one on TV. I’ve got a fair amount of experience in C/C++/C#/PowerShell, but virtually none in Python/Jinja…
I’m trying to put together a macro that will return a list of entities that match specific conditions. Ideally I’d like to call the macro in some places to return the list of entity ids that match criteria, and in other places get the count of the number of items returned.
I’ve got it returning the ‘list’, but it’s actually returning just a string with the values.
macro code
{%- macro get_low_battery_entities() -%}
{%- set myData = [] -%}
{%- set myEntities = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for sensor in states.sensor -%}
{%- if sensor.attributes.device_class not in ['undefined','unknown'] -%}
{%- if sensor.attributes.device_class in ['battery'] -%}
{# {%- if sensor.state|int <= states('input_number.setting_battery_warning_percent')|int -%} #}
{%- if sensor.state|int <= 100 -%}
{%- set myEntities.entities = myEntities.entities + [sensor.entity_id] -%}
{# {{ sensor.entity_id + "\n" }} #}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ myEntities.entities }}
{%- endmacro %}
In the Dev Tools template editor, I put in
{% from 'get_low_battery_entities.jinja' import get_low_battery_entities %}
{{ get_low_battery_entities() }}
{{ get_low_battery_entities()|count }}
And I get the following output
['sensor.trace_s_sm_g781v_battery_level', 'sensor.chelle_s_ipad_2_battery_level', 'sensor.chelles_sm_s916u_battery_level', 'sensor.toffice_printer_battery_charge', 'sensor.asustor_battery_charge', 'sensor.toffice_aux_battery_charge', 'sensor.toffice_monitors_battery_charge', 'sensor.coffice_main_battery_charge', 'sensor.master_closet_door_battery', 'sensor.trace_night_stand_scene_switch_battery', 'sensor.chelle_night_stand_scene_switch_battery', 'sensor.family_room_temperature_battery', 'sensor.laundry_room_dryer_vibration_battery', 'sensor.laundry_room_washer_button_battery', 'sensor.roomba_battery_level', 'sensor.kitchen_sink_spotlight_switch_battery', 'sensor.garage_door_sensor_battery', 'sensor.chelle_office_temperature_battery', 'sensor.garage_freezer_temperature_battery', 'sensor.master_bedroom_temperature_battery', 'sensor.trace_s_ipad_mini_4_battery_level', 'sensor.trace_s_ipad_mini_6_battery_level']
I’m wanting the output count to be the number of entities in the list, but what seems to be coming back from the macro is a string, so I’m just getting the count of chars in the string. Any hints on where I’m going wrong would be greatly appreciated.