How to run automation at first Satureday of month

Hi there,

as the title says, how can I trigger an automation to run at first Satureday of month? There are some templates for the first day of the month, but it should be explicitly the first satureday.

Thanks a lot!

I am very sorry, I was to fast. I head the idea immediately after the post:

  - platform: time
    at: "10:00:00"
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ (now().strftime(\"%d\") | int) <= 7 }}"
  - condition: time
      - sat

Have you seen this: Scheduler card/custom component

With previous help from @Taras, checks if tomorrow is 1st Saturday…you can remove timedelta if chekcing for today

{% set t = now() + timedelta(days=1) %}.
{{ t.isoweekday() == 6 and t.month != (t - timedelta(days=7)).month }}