How to run Home Assistant OS from SSD on HP microserver G8?

Anyone has experience how to start Home Assistant OS image from SSD on HP microserver G8?

I downloaded generic x86-64 image and flashed it directly to SSD drive using balenaEtcher and then I connected SSD to HP microserver G8 to port5. But Home Assistant OS won’t boot.

Do I need to change some bios settings in order to boot work?

Anyone has same hardware to tell me what settings in bios must be set?

Here I find possible solution to setup grub on sd-card? Because HP microserver G8 can not boot from ODD.


Can somebody put me to right way and tell me how to prepare grub sd-card from that can then boot pre-flashed ssd with home assistant os image?

I solved problem reading this:

Yeah, it kinda worked, but HAOS updates didn’t seem to apply after that. So I went to use HAOS in a VM instead.

Well meant question here: is a HP Gen 8 microserver not a bit overkill for this application?
I have one and like it a lot - it’s my local NAS/Plex server when needed, but I run Home Assistant on a separate, low power mini-PC (more powerful than a Raspberry Pi and cheaper due to the current supply issues with RPi’s) .

It’s obviously another situation when you run other things on the Gen8 as well, but as you want to run HAOS, that doesn’t seem to be the case. If your intention is to run other things next to Home Assistant, then a Docker setup (or VM) is potentially more worthwile for you.

FWIW :slight_smile: