How to run systemctl

I did something stupid yesterday. I did an update on my truenas server and rebooted the server. One thing I forgot was that my esxi host wat using the truenas as storage for the vms. One of the vms is mij homeassistant vm. When I realised what I did I did a reboot of all the vms that were running on the truenas storage.

Now my hassio boot, but I do not get an ip anymore. During boot up it show that I should check systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.service. But how can I do it from the ha command line ?

Ive searched the forum, found 2 related topics. Would be useful to tell what you’ve tried already, assuming (hoping) you’ve tried to search this forum already.

But is this useful? Failed to start Network Manager - #8 by richydm

And i believe this is your host problem (nas) not HA, so solving this should be in command line interface on nas, not HA VM

Just type login to get to a real shell.

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got it fixed. i had two problems. First thing was my dhcp server stoped working :slight_smile:
My espboard where popping up in the network list and my mobile phone didnt get an ip also, so that was fixed

After the dhcp was working again, I still didn;t get an ip in hassio. I added a new second network card to the vm and that works. So I have a working hassio agian.