How to send MQTT command to set parameter in BSB-LAN HW

I am using BSB-LAN HW to read my sensors from Siemens RVS. This can send MQTT messages and HA can be used as data collector. In other case HA can send commands to change the parametres in the Boiler system via MQTT.

This can be done by the command syntax:

set publish

I do not know how to send via HA MQTT this syntax.

Boiler system controller is expecting to get the MQTT as this example:

" The command set mqtt2Server publish BSB-LAN /S700=1 sends from the MQTT broker named “mqtt2Server” the command “/S700=1” with
the topic “BSB-LAN” and causes a mode switch to automatic mode."

Have no problem to send the reqular messages via service publish but I am not able to get this running. Any idea how to make this work? Did not found any information how to use the command set and then use publish.

Thank you so much!

Not 100% sure I understand your question, but the mqtt.publish service can be used to send a generic payload to a generic topic:


  topic: BSB-LAN
  payload: "/S700=1"

It is looking specifically for command:

set mqtt2Server publish BSB-LAN /S700=1

The answer can be found here:

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Looks like a FHEM command. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: