How to set state text..?


I want to change the state text from “Aus” to “closed”…


type: entities

  • entity: cover.zentral_eg
    name: Jalousie EG
    secondary_info: last-changed
  • entity: cover.zentral_og
    name: Jalousie OG
    secondary_info: last-changed
  • entity: scene.lichtegaus
    icon: ‘mdi:lightbulb’
  • entity: scene.lichtogaus
    icon: ‘mdi:lightbulb’
  • entity: scene.couch
    icon: ‘mdi:sofa’
  • entity: binary_sensor.garagentorknx
    icon: ‘mdi:garage-variant’
    title: ZENTRAL
    show_header_toggle: false
    state_color: false

Thanks for your help

I can think of a couple of options here. The first is to create a second “dummy” sensor that uses a template to provide the state you want. For example, you could create a sensor template as follows:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: Garage door status
      value_template: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.garagentorknx','Aus') %} Closed
        {% else %}                                             Open
        {% endif %}

Then use sensor.garage_door_status as your entity.

The second option is to use custom:button-card. It’s very configurable and might seem a little intimidating at the outset. You can find information on that here: GitHub - custom-cards/button-card: :sparkle: Lovelace button-card for home assistant. Using this custom card gives you a ton of flexibility, but there is a somewhat steep learning curve. The payoff is that you can do about anything you want with it.

The easiest approach is probably the first suggestion - you can add a template and, as long as you’re running a recent version of HA, you can reload the templates without having to re-start HA (big help in being able to do that!).

Hope this help!

PSA: I suggest always formatting your yaml entries as described in the forum - it makes it a lot easier to read and figure out… You’ll get more help from folks, too - yaml is difficult enough to format, but it’s almost impossible to read if it’s not formatted properly (you do this by clicking the </> in the header.


Thank you!

Today, i want try to install the button-card!
i can’t find this card under “HACS-Frontend”

… so i had insert

  - url: /local/button-card.js
    type: module

to my configuration.yaml!
and uploaded the .js file in my “www” folder!

Get the following message in lovelace…

No card type found

  • type: ‘custom:button-card’
    icon: ‘mdi:air-conditioner’
    color: ‘rgb(28, 128, 199)’

all other cards, like entity-slider-row are working fine!

thank you for your help!

bg andy

Hi, @a.setzer - you may not have added everything you need in the configuration.yaml file. Here’s what I have (per the docs here: Dashboards and Views - Home Assistant (

  mode: yaml
  resources: !include lovelace/resources.yaml

Instead of including a resources.yaml file, you can add it like this for your case:

  mode: yaml
    - url: /local/button-card.js
      type: module

Alternatively, you can create a lovelace directory in the main directory, and then put a resources.yaml file in it that has this content, and then point to it like I did above using the !include statement:

#Resources include file for ui-lovelace.yaml
- type: module
  url: /local/button-card.js

Did you perchance restart HA after making the change to the config file? I think that needs to be done to reload the resources.

If none of this works, then can you post a little more of your complete lovelace section in your configuration.yaml file? We’ll get it figured out!

Complete configuration.yaml

don’t want to switch to mode:yaml

    - url: /local/xiaomi-vacuum-card.js?v=4.1.0
      type: module
    - url: /local/slider-entity-row.js
      type: module
    - url: /local/button-card.js
      type: module

Got it.

Okay, that seems all in order, and the fact that entity-slider-row works is encouraging.

Did you restart HA after adding button-card to the resources section?

If so, then lets take a closer look at how your used the button-card. Can you show a complete section of that? Is the error message include any additional information, or does it also show the button-card information?

Here’s a simple example of how I use it to create a title block:

  - badges: []
      - cards:
          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            color_type: label-card
            color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214)'
            show_name: true
            show_label: true
            name: Light/TV Actions
        type: horizontal-stack   <----- EDIT: forgot to have this in there the first time (2021/01/23)

I switched my config around so it isn’t in yaml mode. I then attempted to add a custom button card to the page. I ended up with this:

So now I’m thinking that there’s something that keeps this particular custom card from working through the UI editor… Is there any way you can (temporarily) try it in yaml mode? I don’t know what else could be wrong at this point, as you’ve done everything else correctly from what I can tell… It seems you had the same type of error:

For what it’s worth, there are benefits to using yaml mode (using the include directive is a big one for me - it lets me break the file into several more compact ones), but I totally understand if you don’t want to go that route.

Forgot to mention - the this._configElement is a part of the custom card.

switch to mode: yaml doesn’t work too.
my other cards also work no longer in mode: yaml

I realized I forgot the closing type: statement for the cards: that contain things. I edited the post above to include it, and here it is again:

  - title: Test Page
    icon: 'mdi:test-tube'
    badges: []
      - cards:
          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            color_type: label-card
            color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214)'
            show_name: true
            show_label: true
            name: Light/TV Actions
        type: horizontal-stack

I picked the horizontal-stack type, but you can use any of the appropriate types here. This is at the top of my yaml file just under the views: line and it works. Sorry about forgetting the type line!

Here’s a screen shot of the above Test Page (which isn’t interesting at all, but shows the above works now):

@KSC Bit late to the party, but how would one use this with say a time? Like status open for 5minutes? (as per the gui for: 00:00:00 condition).