How to show text-only in Lovelace?

Thanks Marius it works:

It would be great if the creator of the script “Maattdiy” could adapt it to lovelace UI.

I was also using lots of buttons tiles in the previous ui, when i started to adapt my setup to lovelace i used Tiles Custom Card but now i only use Button card.

did it for you:

  - type: custom:useful-markdown-card
    content: >
      **========== Status ==========**

      <font color= green> [[ sensor.home_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> [[ sensor.hubs_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= grey> [[ sensor.play_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> [[ sensor.track_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= var(--google-yellow-500)> [[ sensor.lamps_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> [[ sensor.switch_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> [[ sensor.appli_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> [[ sensor.active_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> [[ sensor.appli_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      **========== Settings ==========**

      <font color= green> [[ ]] </font>

      **========== Modes ==========**

      <font color= brown> [[ ]] </font>
      **<font color= black> [[ ]] </font>**

had to make a few custom attributes (called love…) and only don’t know yet how to color based on the states being 0 or not.
Might not be possible (yet) anyways this works rather nicely already.

Thanks for your help Marius, I assume i should edit or change something in the code you made for me. But i’m sorry i don’t knowt how and what. Here is the result with your code:

Sorry to bother you but i don’t get it.


if the matching fails, it can be 2 things:
either you have a syntax error, or the state simply isn’t correct, or existing.
below the modes bit, you can see the card working correctly and also the markdown code to be alright.

you’d have to try for each of the evaluated entities what is wrong.

take [[ sensor.hubs_badge.attributes.desc ]], and try it in the dev-state {{states.sensor.hubs_badge.attributes.desc }} and see what gives. etc for all the other failing items.

btw, I now see I copied 1 line of apple_badge extra, take that out, Ive edited my post above accordingly.
secondly, the google-yellow turns out brown in my card, as it does in yours I see now, so we need to change that again.

I made the to be used for this card, so you don’t have these yet, but here you go:

small edits in the lovelace card (color yellow and dashes before the entities) Color google-yellow shows brown…? the rbb values I tried either showed blue or green, so I takeout rgb isn’t supported, but the hex notation works out as the original

  - type: custom:useful-markdown-card
    content: >
       [[ sensor.summary.attributes.text ]]

  - type: custom:useful-markdown-card
    content: >
      # <font color= grey>Home Summary</font>



      <font color= green> - [[ sensor.home_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> - [[ sensor.hubs_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= grey> - [[ sensor.play_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> - [[ sensor.track_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= #fbb911 > - [[ sensor.lamps_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> - [[ sensor.switch_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= blue> - [[ sensor.appli_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> - [[ sensor.active_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>

      <font color= green> - [[ sensor.appli_badge.attributes.desc ]] </font>



      <font color= green> - [[ ]] </font>



      <font color= brown> - [[ ]] </font>
      **<font color= black> - [[ ]] </font>**

the relevant section in the python_script.summary

# Alarm clock
# /config/packages/package_alarmclock.yaml

alarms_prefix = ['alarmclock_wd', 'alarmclock_we']
alarms_wfilter = [range(1,6), range(6,8)]
alarms_desc = ''
mydict = {'hidden':hidden}

for entity_id, filter in zip(alarms_prefix, alarms_wfilter):
    state = hass.states.get('input_boolean.{}_enabled'.format(entity_id))
    if state:
        if state.state is 'on' and in filter:
            state = hass.states.get('sensor.{}_time_template'.format(entity_id))
            alarms_desc = '{}{}, '.format(alarms_desc, state.state)

if (alarms_desc == ''):
    mydict['entity_picture'] = '/local/badges/alarm_off.png'
    mydict['friendly_name'] =  'Relax'
    mydict['unit_of_measurement'] = 'Off'
    mydict['theme'] = 'grey_badge'
    mydict['love'] = 'Alarm clock is not set, relax'
    alarms_desc = '%- Alarm clock is not set, relax'

    mydict['entity_picture'] = '/local/badges/alarm.png'
    mydict['friendly_name'] = alarms_desc[:-2]
    mydict['unit_of_measurement'] = 'On'
    mydict['theme'] = 'orange_badge'
    mydict['love'] = 'Alarm clock set at ' + alarms_desc[:-2]
    alarms_desc = '/- Alarm clock set at ' + alarms_desc[:-2]

hass.states.set('sensor.alarms_badge', '', mydict)

# Mode:
# /config/packages/package_mode_selection
# Badges images: /config/www/modes

mode_desc = ''
## Get Mode description
state = hass.states.get('input_select.mode')

if state:
    dt = state.last_changed + datetime.timedelta(hours= timeDifference)
    time = '%02d:%02d' % (dt.hour, dt.minute)

    mode_desc = '{}*- {} mode selected at: {}\n'.format(summary, state.state, time)
    mode_desc_love = '{} {} mode selected at: {}\n'.format(summary, state.state, time)
    hass.states.set('sensor.mode_badge',state.state, {
         'entity_picture': '/local/modes/{''}.png'.format(state.state.replace(' ','').lower()),
         'friendly_name': time,
         'unit_of_measurement': 'Mode',
         'love': mode_desc_love

# Activity:
# /config/packages/package_activity_selection
# Badges images: /config/www/activities

activity_desc = ''
## Get Activity description
state = hass.states.get('input_select.activity')

if state:
    dt = state.last_changed + datetime.timedelta(hours= timeDifference)
    time = '%02d:%02d' % (dt.hour, dt.minute)

    activity_desc = '{}$- {} activity selected at: {}\n'.format(summary, state.state, time)
    activity_desc_love = '{} {} activity selected at: {}\n'.format(summary, state.state, time)
    ext = 'gif' if state.state in ['Gaming','Naar bed'] else 'png'

    hass.states.set('sensor.activity_badge', state.state, {
            'friendly_name': time,
            'entity_picture': '/local/activities/{' '}.{}'.format(state.state.replace(' ','').lower(),ext),
            'unit_of_measurement': 'Act',
            'love': activity_desc_love

Thanks Marius.