How to Skip Login with new auth system on trusted networks?

with the earlier auth system I used URL’s with username/password included within my trusted network. Is this also possible after changing to the new auth system?

didn’t find anything in the forum or the docs…

would be great, If I just pass a username, and beeing on a trusted network an autologin to HomeAssistant is done… (I don’t want to use cookies)

Click “Save Login” when you saw “Do you want to save this login?”

@awarecan: thanks, but this uses cookies to identify returning users. since I delete them after every session for privacy reasons this does not work…

We are not using cookies. Are you concerning your privacy on a trusted networks?

when I use the “save” option - it only works until I restart my chrome browser (v69.0.3497.81) - so I thought it’s done by a cookie or a client side configuration

I find the token is regularly lost / outdated / deleted for one reason or another. This is not an ideal situation for tablets being used as Home Assistant displays locally. Trusted networks was ideal.

To answer the original question, no you cannot do this anymore with the new auth system as it is currently implemented. @awarecan has fielded this question in a few different places (blog and GitHub) and is being obtuse in the technically correct, while still useless answer that was provided here. They are not using cookies but the data is still stored client side so as you already noticed, clearing the data in your browser does remove the saved authentication preference.

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It looks like it’s using local storage on the client side, so yeah not technically a “cookie”, but still client side. I would also like to disable the new auth system as I’m running HA in a secure network that can only be accessed via openvpn. At the very least I would love for anyone on my trusted network to be able to get to the dashboard and toggle switches without having to login (even through the slightly confusing trusted network login flow).


Solved: Solved in 0.91 - Workaround to skip authentication default user on trusted network / Trusted network without authentication