Looks like the Attribute is named “Tomorrow” so in that case i think the value_template should be “{{ state_attr(‘sensor.nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_10_025’, ‘tomorrow’ }}". In this case the result should be all those numbers starting with 0,92, 0,91, 0,91… etc
It looks like the Tomorrow value contains a number of other sub-values so If you wanted to futher breakdown Tomorrow you might us something like “{{ state_attr(‘sensor.nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_10_025’, ‘tomorrow’[0] }}". In this case the result should be ‘0,92’.
Please format your code correctly. This isn’t just to make it look nice — your code could have indentation errors, wrong quote marks (“smart” quotes for example) and we cannot tell with text formatting like that.
There are a number of things we can’t tell from the screenshot:
is the attribute called tomorrow or Tomorrow?
are the numbers formatted with a European decimal comma or is your front end doing that?
Assuming the attribute is called Tomorrow, and you want the first value as a number, this should work if the numbers contain a decimal point. It should go under the top-level template:, not under sensor:.