The other day I purchased a Tradfri bulb, tradfri outlet, and a 5 button remote. They didn’t come as part of a package (where they would already be paired from the factory) and were purchased separately. I set them up in ZHA but it seems that the remote hopped onto the bulb and is sending it native commands (left and right change colors for example. Nowhere do I have this set up in HA) as while also sending events to HA. The visualization confirms that it’s connected to the bulb. Is there any way I can stop this?
It already is paired with ZHA and I’m receiving events. It’s just also sending commands to the bulb at the same time.
For example I have the left and right buttons mapped in HA to toggle on/off two different lights. However it seems that the native function for the left/right buttons is to change the bulb color. So when I press the right button it fires the automation to turn off one of the other lamps in the room, but then also changes the color of the IKEA bulb.