How to trigger an action via an HTTP url?

Hello! I stumbled on your question. All though you found another workaround, I’d would like to post my proposed solution for controlling a Shelly device from command line with CURL, which is confirmed working here. To turn the relay 0 on on a device, use this command:

🐟 ~$ curl -s -X POST "<device name or ip>/relay/0?turn=on" -d ""

To turn the same relay off, you can use this curl command:

🐟 ~$ curl -s -X POST "<device name or ip>/relay/0?turn=off" -d ""

I have the same problem, and I can’t find any solution. You have been able to solve it.

I have this issue as well and it seems a pretty silly limitation of both HA and Shelly TBH.

The issue with MQTT (my first attempt at solving this) is that the i3 does not publish many messages. It has a channel on / off and input_event. input_event seems pretty temperamental though. Sometimes event is S or L (for long or short press) but sometimes it’s blank and a long press is missed.

There are action urls for short and long press (and several others) but HA doesn’t work with these. I am now considering a solution where I’ll use a long press to trigger node red which will then trigger HA which just seems a bit silly - and I am bound to forget how it works when I come to alter it in months or years time.

Hi there, any update on this topic?
I have the same problem. I would like to control an old HomeWizard using HomeAssistant. But there is no addon available and the product is discontinued… So I realized it via http requests (in openHAB). For several reasons I want to switch to HomeAssistant, but I could not find a solution for this http request so far.
What I want to do: including as an action/service in a rule the http request (e.g. “http://192.168.178.xx/password/sw/1/settarget/20” to set the radiator temperature).
Can anyone help?
Thank you!