How to trigger an automation immediately I enter a zone

Hi All
I realise that there are probably a load of threads around similar topics and I have read all the suggested ones but none help me out.

I have an automation that opens my garage door as I arrive home when I am cycling. This automation works but it fires too late. I have 3 triggers for this routine, a small zone, a larger zone and the network name my phone is connected to. What should happen is:

  • Entering Large zone fires - door opens
  • Entering small zone fires
  • network connection fires

What actually happens is that all 3 triggers happen when I am right outside my garage door. What I suspect is happening is that the zone entering sensors are on the delayed update every minute whereas the network connection sensor updates immediately and while it updates the other 2 sensors update at the same time.

Is there anything that I can do to improve this? the update frequency is set to Fast Always but it seems it’s not fast enough!


What integration are you using for location? What phone?

There are a few options I guess if you location updates are only triggering every few mins the obvious choice would be to make the large zone slightly larger therefore more likely to be in that zone for longer.

We use iPhones and icloud3 as the location updates quicker than the generic iOS HA app. Also exposes separate sensors for direction of travel, distance from home etc that can be used to tweak finer control of automations like this.

I am using an android Pixel 5.

So when you say that you’re using icloud3 does that mean that you’re not using the HA phone app? How do the updates get from icloud3 to Home assistant?

We use both.

But for location based stuff we tend to use icloud3 more.

Details here:

If you have an Android then you can enable the high accuracy mode when you enter the large zone.
That will be very accurate.

thanks but I don’t think that accuracy is the issue, update period is.
Looks like there is a Home assistant plugin for Tasker so I’ll maybe have a look at that.

Have a look at the high accuracy settings and/or the notification command to turn on/off high accuracy mode.

Is that going to change the update frequency? Because if it doesn’t then it won’t help.

Why do you bother asking for help if you do not listen to the advice you get?

well, I said thanks but I don’t think that will work because of X
I also asked “will that increase update frequency”.
You’ve not answered either of those questions. The issue is not accuracy it’s update frequency so saying turn on high accuracy doesn’t seem like it would help. If you had just said that high accuracy also updates the frequency then I would have looked without questioning.

Sorry I did not know you were royal. I will salute you from now on.


If you had looked at the advice you got then you would not have needed to ask anything. Do you not understand that?

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