How to trigger an automation with UI button


can someone tell me how link this button with the automation? I whant to trigger an automation with one UI button

this is my code:

entity: switch.cuarto_luis
  action: call-service
  service: automation.trigger
show_icon: true
show_name: true
  action: toggle
type: entity-button

You are missing the automation itself:

- entity_id: automation.whatever

Specifically entityid needs to go in the service data field

Thanks, but istill dont work. do I do something wrong?

entity: switch.cuarto_luis
 action: call-service
 service: automation.trigger
 entity_id: automation.porton_test
show_icon: true
show_name: true
 action: toggle
type: entity-button

yes, you still haven’t put the entity_id inside service_data yet :wink: hint, you’re missing service_data…

I´m duumy it is working now:

- entity: switch.portones_luis
          action: call-service
          service: automation.trigger
            entity_id: automation.porton_test
        type: entity-button

thanks for the help :slight_smile:


Does your automation contain conditions? And if so, do you want this button to run the automation’s actions only if those conditions are true? If so you should change it to:

          action: call-service
          service: automation.trigger
            entity_id: automation.porton_test
            skip_condition: false

For those that might not know, the skip_condition parameter is new since 0.104.

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Is that new?

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Yes, because that I switch to use a script, I don´t know that…

did you put it in configuration file or UI dashboard editor?

all that is in config.