Hello guys I hope this is the place to ask that.
I get my Sonoff touch US v and I like to upload tasmota to use Mqtt.
I view some of the video on YouTube but I can’t find how to flash Sonoff touch.
Some using esp esay, and some using arduino ,some using atom .
I like to know what program I need for upload ?
What is the config I need to use let say on arduino ?
The are step by step how to do it?
Have a look here . The wiki page has all the instructions you’ll need.
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on the wiik say to set
Flash Size: 1M (no SPIFFS) - version 5.x.x and following
I have tasmota 5.11…1
on the arduion 1.8.5 I cant select flash size to 1M (no SPIFFS) it not show
what I can see is only
1M 512
1M 256
1M 192
1M 160
1M 144
1M 128
1M 64
and also I get error "http://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json file signature verification failed file ignored
I get the Board as esp 8285 and set all as show on wiki
but i try to compilling the sonoff code i get error “exit status 1”
and “error compiling for the board generic ESP 8285 module”
Did you change the setting lwip variant?
2.0 won’t compile for me, 1.4 prebuilt works
I chance I try to upload to Sonoff touch US and I get error
I check the RX and TX and Vcc
If you read the whole wiki page you’ll see all the extra prep you have to do before you can use Arduino to flash any of the newer firmwares which specifically mentions this.
Platform.io is far easier by the way as it has everything preset for you…as it also says in the wiki that @cariboo linked to for you
I read but on my arduino 1.8.5 I don’t have “flash mode”
I see on wiki it say “generic esp8266 module”
But in the start of wiki it say the Sonoff touch using esp 8285!
And in the start it say
What is the correct way?
Someone ?
Why I get the error try to flash Sonoff touch US
I use atom for upload I still get error
February 7, 2018, 3:12pm
I use this method. I am unsure if it would work for your model but its over wifi so its easy to try.
For anyone looking for a solution that works, I just tried this and it was fast and easy.
I will try that but for now I like to solve the problem I have .
Maybe I don’t enter the Sonoff touch on flash mode ?
I have different chip is not like show on wiki.
The gpio0 is on the top socend from the right?