How to use a specific sensor attribute for automations

This works in the way I had in mind, thanks for the help!

Ah. That explains it. Yeah the dev tools is a much better option. When looking for the real state of something too, Lovelace can change it.

Something to remember for next time.

So if I wouldā€™ve posted the following that I now found through dev tools, would that have been okay? Just so Iā€™ll know next time.

subreddit: worldnews
  - id: psx72n
    url: >-
    title: Brazilā€™s unvaccinated president had to eat pizza on NYC sidewalk
    score: 3622
    comms_num: 326
    created: 1632274960
    body: ''
  - id: pswp4q
    url: >-
    title: >-
      Alberta bar closes after 'overwhelming' number of threats after opting
      into vax pass
    score: 2780
    comms_num: 454
    created: 1632273187
    body: ''
  - id: psw70z
    url: >-
    title: >-
      An Ancient Tablet, Stolen Then Acquired By Hobby Lobby, Will Be Returned
      To Iraq
    score: 2185
    comms_num: 161
    created: 1632271444
    body: ''
  - id: psrgbm
    url: >-
    title: Xi tells UN China will stop funding coal projects overseas
    score: 3857
    comms_num: 471
    created: 1632256612
    body: ''
  - id: psy92w
    url: >-
    title: Brazil's health minister tests positive for COVID-19 in NYC
    score: 801
    comms_num: 49
    created: 1632278718
    body: ''
  - id: pt1qhi
    url: >-
    title: >-
      Furious dad ā€˜made paedophile friend who abused his daughter dig his own
    score: 284
    comms_num: 92
    created: 1632292776
    body: ''
  - id: pshvi0
    url: >-
    title: Germany warns of lost U.S. trust as France wins EU support
    score: 7601
    comms_num: 2815
    created: 1632227908
    body: ''
  - id: psfaii
    url: >-
    title: Prince Andrew is served sexual assault lawsuit in United States
    score: 68053
    comms_num: 2760
    created: 1632216456
    body: ''
  - id: psytcu
    title: Amazon Is Lobbying the U.S. to Legalize Weed
    score: 367
    comms_num: 99
    created: 1632280772
    body: ''
  - id: pst2xj
    url: >-
    title: With No U.S. Support, Leaders of Afghan Resistance Flee the Country
    score: 870
    comms_num: 151
    created: 1632261143
    body: ''
sort_by: hot
friendly_name: reddit_worldnews
icon: mdi:reddit

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That would have been perfect. :+1:

Not only does it show the full structure, itā€™s easy to copy and paste too.

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If you want it so sound less like a robot then there are ways to do that too.

{% set parts = ["the next post is","the post after is", "and then there is"] %}

{% for value in state_attr('sensor.reddit_worldnews', 'posts') -%}
{%- if loop.first %}The first post is {% elif loop.last %} and the last post is {% else %}, {{ parts[range(0,3) | random]}} {% endif -%}
{{ value.title}}
{%- endfor %}

That way it will ā€œmix it upā€ a bit.
You can add more ā€œpartsā€ and just adjust the range accordingly

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Very nice! I was actually playing around with this exact thing. What was kind of working for me so far was this:

service: tts.cloud_say
  entity_id: media_player.nest_living_room
  message: >-
    Today in the news, {% for value in state_attr('sensor.reddit_worldnews',
    'posts') -%} {{ value.title}}. {{ ["In other news,", "Next is,", "And,", "In another story,"] | random }} 
    {%- endfor %}

It works for the bits in between the titles, but it will say the lead up to a next title even after itā€™s already gone through all of them. If Iā€™m reading it correctly, I think yours is taking this into account as well. I will try it out, thanks!