How to use Orvibos after latest changes?


I noticed in the latest dev update that there’s changes to the Orvibo code. I’m not sure how to implement this new autodiscover change as my old configuration gives me 6 unnamed orvibo switches instead of my three previously named switches. Does anyone know how the configuration syntax should be now?

Best regards

I figured out as much as to remove all except for one platform: orvibo as it seems to autodetect all my orvibos, only problem is that it seems kind of random which one gets detected as switch_unnamed, switch_unnamed_2 and switch_unnamed_3 so my customization/friendly name of each devices mismatch after restart of HASS.

This could help:

Yes, I’ve read this. However it doesn’t tell how I can make it act like it did before so as to have my switches more concistent in naming instead of randomly autodiscovered which is a step in the wrong direction. Only way to have it working is to stay on stable branch, but then that’s only a ticking bomb waiting to happen. x-/

This is the updated documentation…

I appreciate you taking your time. Perhaps looking for better alternative to these cheap Orvibos is the best approach. I would have bought zwave based switches if they didn’t cost 60-70 bucks each. :sweat_smile:

Try these switches Sonoff-HomeAssistant (Alternative firmware for Sonoff Switches for use with mqtt/HA)

Cheaper and better than Orvibo.

Peter, this is from my switches.yaml. Rinse and repeat for your setup. Note: I have my DHCP server statically hand out the same address to my orvibos.

- platform: orvibo
  discovery: false
  -  host:
     name: living_room_lamp
  -  host:
     name: sound_machine
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Pitrus - I have the same problem. And, when I follow speakquietly’s suggestion, it only picks-up the last Orvibo in the list.

The problems started with version 0.28 and use of “switches:”. The solution isn’t to get another brand switch – the Orvibo has been good for me (the U.S. version).

I found the problem was one of my Orvibo’s was offline (had to be reconfigured). That happens sometimes if I reboot my router.

You can turn off discovery and keep your switches configured as with previous versions.

I updated my Orvibo config after 0.28.2 and now I’m back in action. Thanks.

I’ve just added 4 Orvibo S20 switches on HA 0.31.1 and noted that they didn’t initialise correctly until I added the MAC addresses to the config, even though all devices are on the same subnet and have reserved DHCP addresses.

My Orvibo switches also stopped working after latest updates. I have reset them and re-initialized with no luck. I will try adding MAC addresses, but used to work fine without.

I tried adding MAC addresses but they are still not working. I am running version 0.31.1

Problem Solved… I am running HASS on a Raspberry Pi. I installed and use Webmin, which I found to be very useful. But, Webmin uses port 10000 (by default), which is the same port Orvibo uses. The solution is to change the default Webmin port, or stop Webmin when not needed.

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