How to use the asus tinkerboard gpio under hassio?

how to use the asus tinkerboard gpio under hassio?
i have been tried the switch.rpi_gpio but no works and there is error:
Unable to prepare setup for platform switch.rpi_gpio: Could not setup all dependencies.
Unable to setup dependencies of switch.rpi_gpio. Setup failed for dependencies: rpi_gpio
i think maybe the hassio can not use the tinkerboard gpio…
what can i do ? plz help me… thanks!

same position here. i switched from Raspberry pi to Tinkerboard and want to control gpio.
Anyone have a clue on an alternative for RPI_GPIO component her? using HASSIO


Any luck with this one? im kind off stuck with this same issue.

Never mind. i fixed it.

What was the fix?

with the RasPI3 the you use the
usb_path: /dev/ttyAMA0

With the Tinkerboard S i found out it works using
usb_path: /dev/ttyS1

and i did not need to edit config.txt to get my raspbee to work with the tinkerboard as i had to do with the RasPI3

i dont know if you are trying to do the same as me, but my TinkerboardS is working perfectly with a raspbee plugged into the GPIO. worked with both Deconz and with the new ZHA integration.

There is documentation on Asus tinkerboard web page on how the gpio works if you want to do something else than i did.

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So is the rpi_gpio: switch or sensor supported on the tinkerboard?
Could you please confirm or point me to reading material on how to use it?

Hi. What are you trying to to?
I just read all the documents on the asus webpage about the Tinkerboard S
and said something like.
“the UART enabled by default as a serial console on ttyS1”
I can try to find back to where i found this if that helps.

I want to run hassio on the emmc of the tinker board S
At the same time, i want to be able to use the gpios of the tinker board as i was using these before on the RPi3:

  - platform: rpi_gpio
      11: Fan Office
  - platform: rpi_gpio
      1: PIR Living Room
  - platform: dht
    sensor: AM2302
    pin: 18
      - temperature
      - humidity

ah. I think you have to disable the console on ttyS1 to enable serial maby? I can see if I figure this out when I have a little extra time.
There should be a file in boot/ with something like “console: ttyS1” if i remember correctly. you have to remove that line.

Unfortunately I have no idea how this works :frowning:
I’m not that advanced :frowning:

Im no expert but maby you have to make a Add-on config.
Have a look at this:
gpio bool no Boolean. If this is set to True, /sys/class/gpio will map into add-on for access to GPIO interface from kernel. Some library need also /dev/mem and SYS_RAWIO for read/write access to this device. On system with AppArmor enabled, you need disable AppArmor or better for security, provide you own profile for the add-on.

sorry, think this is for add-ons. not actually enable the gpio.
but have a read here.
and here
this looks to be the equivalent to the that install’s on the rpi when installing hassio

I wrote too, but it takes to be able to install the library and/or the program compiled from here.
I’m happy that you shed some light about adding programs on the Home Assistant environment. Maybe I’ll start to experiment something.