Howto setup Danfoss LC-13 thermostat?

I could not find any hints how to include my Danfoss thermostat into HA.

This seems to work only with wall-mounted room thermostats:

  platform: danfoss

This does not show anything in the user interface:

  platform: zwave

Please help!

The LC-13 is a zwave device. I guess you know you need to include it to your zwave network. In case of HASS with OpenZwave.

After it’s included it will automatically show up in the HASS UI.

Yes, I included it with but it does not show up in the HASS UI.

What platform do I need to include: Danfoss or ZWave?

All you need to do is to configure the ZWave component, like this for example:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  config_path: /usr/src/app/build/python-openzwave/openzwave/config/
  polling_interval: 30000

You don’t need the climate component.
The thermostat then shows up as something like climate.danfoss_z_thermostat_014g0013_heating_1_2_1.


Ok, I just inserted your zwave entry. This is my error log:

16-11-13 12:31:12 homeassistant.components.zwave: You are missing required dependency Python Open Z-Wave. Please follow instructions at:
16-11-13 12:31:12 homeassistant.bootstrap: component zwave failed to initialize

I’m not sure if I use Open Z-Wave. To include new zwave devices I log in to

I don’t know - Hass uses have python-openzwave, so you need to have that working.
Also, Hass needs exclusive access to your ZWave USB stick, so you need to stop everything else that might access it.


I am using the Razberry GPIO module for the Raspberry Pi (no USB Stick).

Ah, I see. That shouldn’t make any difference though - I’m guessing you access it through a tty device and hass needs exclusive access to it.
I’m using an Aeon Labs USB stick that presents itself as /dev/ttyACM0 - so that might be different for your setup.
Also the config path will most likely be different for you as I’m running hass as a Docker container.


I use MQTT for device communication

Whenever I change the set temperature at the thermostat the corresponding message shows up in my MQTT stream:

Topic: zway/devices/zwayvdev_zway_17_0_67_1/update
Message: {“id”:“ZWayVDev_zway_17-0-67-1”,“title”:“Thermostat WF”,“icon”:“thermostat”,“type”:“thermostat”,“level”:20.5}

Ah, I see. I’m not sure how this integrates into hass, though.
Something is providing the ZWave controller function and creating the MQTT messages - I’m guessing that’s doing.
Since hass would only communicate with your thermostats via MQTT messages, you don’t need the ZWave component but rather an MQTT climate component.
Not sure if that exists.

Since you’re probably not the only one using an RPi, there should be some users out there that could show you how this is set up correctly.


Thanks for your help!

Look at these topics, maybe there’s something you could use:

